Texas Center for Bariatrics & Advanced Surgery

Is Bariatric Surgery Worth It? Compare the Cost to These Benefits

Feb 12, 2024 @ 12:01 PM — by Allan Joseph Cribbins
Tagged with: Cost Of Weight Loss Surgery Vs Benefits

Excess weight is a common struggle among Americans. However, while some have a few pounds to lose, others hold onto excessive weight that impacts their health and general well-being. Doctors at the Texas Center for Bariatrics and Advanced Surgery offer weight loss surgery to promote fast and effective weight loss

Bariatric surgery can be life-changing, but the cost of treatment is significant. Individuals in the Plano, TX, area considering bariatric surgery at our surgical center often wonder if it is worth it. Here, we compare the cost of weight loss surgery to its benefits to help people determine if treatment is the right choice for them.

How Much Does Bariatric Surgery Cost?

Bariatric surgery costs can be significant. The exact cost of treatment depends on several factors, such as the surgeon’s experience, the location of the surgical procedure, and the type of surgical technique performed. Weight loss surgery may generally cost between $7,500 and $33,000. It’s important to note that these costs are before insurance coverage. Many insurance policies cover weight loss procedures but may have different requirements for who qualifies for coverage.

Is Weight Loss Surgery Worth the Price?

In today’s economy, it is difficult to save money, so most people do not have $10,000 to $30,000 easily accessible. Insurance coverage and financing options make it easier to fit the cost of bariatric surgery into a person’s budget. However, it is still natural to wonder if the benefits of treatment are worth the cost. Given the emotional, physical, and financial benefits of weight loss surgery, most of our Plano patients agree that the advantages of treatment far outweigh the price.

Emotional Benefits of Bariatric Surgery

Excess weight can be an emotional burden. People who are significantly overweight may feel self-conscious about their appearance. Many isolate themselves and avoid friends, family, and favorite activities because they are embarrassed about their appearance. Many studies show that obesity increases a person’s risk of depression.

Bariatric surgery makes it easier for people to shed unwanted pounds and obtain their ideal weight range. The surgery improves a person’s physical appearance, which in turn boosts their confidence and has positive effects on their emotional well-being. Many feel more comfortable with themselves and around others after losing weight through bariatric surgery.

Physical Benefits of Bariatric Surgery

There are numerous physical benefits of bariatric surgery. Weight loss can treat or minimize the risk of many health conditions related to obesity. Health conditions that can be treated or avoided by the weight loss stemming from bariatric surgery include high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, acid reflux, obstructive sleep apnea, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, stroke, and heart disease. The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery reports that bariatric surgery is associated with a reduction in mortality and increased longevity.

Financial Benefits of Bariatric Surgery

The cost of bariatric surgery may seem steep, but there are long-term healthcare costs to consider. Many individuals resort to weight loss surgery because their weight is compromising their quality of life and impacting their health. Obesity-related comorbidities have not only a physical effect but a financial one as well. Treating medical conditions related to obesity is expensive. Over time, the costs add up. Weight loss surgery helps people regain control of their health and avoid the long-term medical expenses associated with obesity-related health problems.

Contact Us

Bariatric surgery offers our Plano patients numerous benefits that can change the quality and duration of their lives. If you are considering weight loss surgery and would like to learn more about its advantages and the cost of treatment, contact us at your earliest convenience to schedule a consultation.